The Mandelbulb, a mesmerizing fractal pattern that was discovered by Tom Lowe in 2009, is a 3D extension of the famous Mandelbrot set. The pattern is created by iterating a formula in 3D space, resulting in a complex and intricate design with self-similar patterns that repeat at different scales and angles. While the Mandelbulb is often used to create visually stimulating experiences, some viewers may experience Apophenia, where they perceive patterns or connections in the data that are not actually there.

Ready to immerse yourself in the complex and intricate world of the Mandelbulb? Please watch the videos and submit your responses in the form by clicking on the video. What do you see in the videos? Do you notice any shapes or faces? What do the videos remind you of? You will discover its self-similar designs that repeat at different scales and orientations.